Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Your Pizza also has a Protective Pigment

Study shows that men who ate more pizza had less prostate cancer. The protective factor in pizza may be a pigment in tomatoes called lycopene, which blocks the free radicals, strengthens the immune system, and may help regulate cancer genes.
Cofounder of Helios Health Center in Boulder, Colorado, prescribes a teaspoon a day of tomato paste for his patients with prostate cancer. Lycopene has more potent antioxidant properties than beta-carotene, and it has anti-cancer properties too.

Almonds - Soothe Your Heartburn

A natural chemical in raw almonds helps to tone the sphincter between the esophagus and the stomach so that the acid stays in the stomach and you won't experience the heartburn. Eat a handful of almonds, around 10-15 after every snack and meal.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Jewelweed - Relief of Poison Ivy

Although rashes from poison ivy and poison oak are extremely uncomfortable, but they are can be treated with home remedies.

  1. Look for jewelweed growing in moist ground near poison ivy plants as in the picture. Gather the stems and leaves after the dew is off the plants (10 to 11 am). 
  2. Cut the plants into 1 - 2 inch pieces, put them in a plastic bag, and then flatten them with a rolling pin, crushing them. 
  3. Put the crushed pieces in a pot, add enough water to cover the plant and  bring to boil and simmer until the water is reduced to half and color is amber.
  4. Let it cool, strain and pour the liquid in ice cube trays.
You can wash the affected are with a cube three or four times a day until the rash is gone. It not feels good, but it also works.

You can also buy jewelweed seeds and grow your own to be safe incase you don't find.
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