Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Did you know... About Calories?

People who restrict their calories live longer. More than 2000 studies support the fact that a low-calorie, optimal-nutrition diet can extend life by 30 to 50 percent.

A Savory Drink

In a blender, puree garlic, yogurt and fresh cilantro for a savory drink. Another way to add garlic to your diet!

Garlic - Stinking Rose

When garlic is digested, a portion of the sulfur compounds enters the blood stream and is subsequently exhaled from the lungs or eliminated through the pores when we sweat. This is the price we pay to reap the benefits of the "stinking rose".
Eating parsley might help to reduce these unpleasant odors, possibly because of chlorophyll.

Garlic - Maximize the benefits

We all know the medical application of garlice goes back as far as 1500 BC and it is recommended for a host of ailments.
To activate garlic's full nutritional power, after chopping or crushing it, let the garlic stand for 10 minutes before cooking it. The brief standing period allows allicin (responsible for garlic's pungent smell) and its potent dervatives to be activated.

Flaxseeds - Grind them

To get the most out of flaxseeds, grind them in a coffee grinder (much easier) or mini food processor. Unless the seeds are well chewed or ground, they simply pass throught the body, and you don't reap their health benefits.
In addition, don't heat flaxseed oil - this will destroy its alpha-linolenic content as well as make the oil taste unpleasant.

Cooking Greens

To enhance the bioavailability of beta-carotene in cooking greens, cook them with a small amount of olive oil. If you do cook greens in water, which can diminsh folate levels, try to use the cooking water in the recipe.
Kale has the most beta-carotene, with 5.8 mg per cup of cooked, which provides 72% of the daily recommended intake.

Maximize the benefits of citrus fruits

Don't spend too much time removing the pith (the spongy white layer between the zest and the pulp), because a good amount of fiber and phytochemicals, particularly the flavonoids, are found in the pulp and the pith. Freshly squeezed citrus juice also has more nutrient than frozen or bottled juices.

The Grapefruit effect

Compounds in grapefruit juice can increase blood levels of certain drugs, leading to dangerous side effects. If you are taking medication, it would be prudent to ask your physician if you should be avoiding grapefruit juice.

Cherry Juice can relieve pain of gout

Cherry juice can relieve the pain of gout as it has anti-inflammatory properties - an attribute that might certainly help reduce the swelling and pain of gout.
Though cherry juice is preferred but if cherry juice is not available, can use pineapple juice as it also has anti-inflammatory properties.

Add more cherries to your diet!
Use dried cherries in place of raisins. Use cherry juice in places of red wine in savory sauces. 
Freeze cherry juice in ice cube trays, use these cubes with more cherry juice, and yogurt in blender and puree to make a smoothie.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Ozone and Asthma - A Modern Problem

If cold air weren't enough, modern society has found a way to make sure our lungs suffer in warm weather as well. Many people cough, have shortness of breath, and wheeze in the summer months because of the harmful effects of ozone, a form of oxygen that is the main component of smog. In people who have allergic asthma or allergic rhinitis, having ozone and allergy is a double whammy.

Your best bet on high-ozone days is to stay indoors and filter air coming into your house through an air conditioner. Also, stay on top of pollution alerts put out by public health authorities.

Exercise, Cold Air and Asthma

Most people with asthma will have a worsening of their symptoms when they are exposed to cold air. The cold air does not directly cause asthma symptoms, instead the cold air triggers the body to increase blood flow to the airway. This increased blood flow can result in swelling - not a pleasant scenario for someone with asthma. When you combine the effects of cold air and intense exercise, the problem is magnitude.

How much water should you drink?

Dehydration is bad for everyone, but individual needs vary. In fact, the more you weight, the more water you lose. To determine how much water is optimal for you, follow these steps.
1. Write down you weight in pounds.
2. Multiply your weight by 0.04 which equals pounds of water lost.
3. Multiply the result of step 2 by 2 to determine the number of cups you need per day.

So, no matter what, always drink plenty of water, atleast 8 to 10 glasses a day.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Quick Dessert Berry Pizza

Tiny powerhouses of nutrition, berries are bursting with healthy compounds, which may help improve memory and reduce the risk for developing heart disease and cancer.
Cannot resist mentioning this quick dessert pizza.
Spread sweetend ricotta cheese over a flour tortilla, spoon berries on top, and bake in a 400 F oven for 10 minutes, just until hot.

Pectin in Apples

Pectin is a type of soluble fiber that helps to lower artery-damaging LDL cholesterol, pectin in applesauce is also helpful in managing diarrhea. For pectin, it's best to cook the apples, as the pectin is released when the apples' cell walls soften as they cook.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sesame Seeds

There are many benefits of this seed.
1. They appear to possess cardioprotective and anticancer properties.
2. Contains a phytochemical that may fight UV sun damage in skin cells.

Lower Risk of hormone-related cancers

Beans, flaxseeds, pomegranates, and soy foods - contain compounds that may lower the risk of hormone related cancers, as well as relieve fibrocystic breasts, osteoarthritis, and symptoms of peri-menopause and menopause.

Tumor Cell Death

Perillyl Alcohol is a phytochemical found in cherries and caraway seeds (available in most indian stores) is thought to trigger cell death in tumor cells without harming healthy cells.
Season your dishes with caraway seeds!

Mushrooms and Vitamin D

I just found that there is one more way to get your Vitamin D - Mushrooms contains ergosterol which is converted in the body into Vitamin D.

Friday, March 26, 2010

An apple a day keeps a doctor away

There is an old saying “ to eat an apple before going to bed, will make the doctor beg his bread” which has been justified by many experts due to its health-rich properties. 
Apples are excellent detoxifiers and apple juice can destroy viruses in the body.
Just make sure you do not take too many apple seeds because it could be toxic if taken in large amount.
Atleast 3 times a week, have fresh apple juice avoiding the apple seeds as much possible. You can mix apple with other juice too, I prefer carrots.

Baking Soda for your Hair

Suggest to always keep a packet of baking soda in your bathroom.
Just add about a teaspoon of baking soda to your shampoo in the palm of your hand. It will remove excess build up and residue left from hair sprays and other products.
If you have chlorine in your hair, baking soda is the perfect solution to keep your hair from becoming dull. No time to shampoo? Then dab a little on your comb or brush and it will remove any excess oils from your hair.

Check if your supplement works for you

If you take supplements, you can use vinegar to find out whether they are being properly broken down and absorbed by your body. Just drop a tablet into 3 oz of vinegar. Stir it briskly every 5 minutes for 1/2 hour. If the tablet hasn't completely disintegrated in this period of time, your body isn't able to make use of the contents these tablets contain.

Dirty Sponges

A sponge actually grows bacteria. So here's what you should do with to get rid of the bacteria.
Run them through the diswasher once a week. I put the sponges in the dishwasher everyday at the end of the day. It comes out very clean and sanitized. It's simple and easy.

You can also microwave damp sponges for a minute to kill germs. I never do that - it's dangerous as you can burn yourself as it becomes very hot. Use thongs to take them out of microwave Make sure, the sponge is wet thoroughly before you microwave.

Eat Up more Onions

1 cup of raw onion contains more than 20% of the daily requirement of the trace mineral chromium, important for helping the body to metabolize sugar and lipids. When cooked, onions have slightly lower vitamin content.

So, eat up cooked or raw onions and add excitement to your dishes.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Some Vinegar Tips

Add 2 tbsp of vinegar to boiling water when making hard boiled eggs to prevent the egg white from leaking out of any cracks and also make the shell peel off more easily.

Add a tsp of white vinegar to rice boiling water to make rice fluffier and less sticky.

Adding some vinegar and salt to water used to soak produce will help float pests out.

Add a few drops of vinegar to pasta water to prevent sticking.

Reduce Blood Pressure

Well, there are many methods to reduce the blood pressure, but this one I found it interesting.
Taking a dose of 2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar and 2 tbsp of honey in a glass of water (room temperature) with breakfast each day is believed to normalize blood pressure while lowering cholesterol.


We all know that exercise is the best way to help ourselves improve circulation. Skipping (Jump Rope) is one popular exercise to keep warm and stimulate the blood flow and keep the heart and lungs in good condition.
Children should be encouraged to jump rope every morning before they have their breakfast.

To Reduce Allergic Eye symptoms

Make a infusion of Chamomile, when cool, soak a couple of cotton pads and place on the eyes. Rest for 10 minutes with the pad in place.
Slices of cucumber also may be used on tired, sore eyes in the same way as the herb pads.
This really helps!

Exercise for Childhood Asthma

I know of one useful breathing exercise which every kid would love to do. It is simply to blow up a couple of balloons a day, to deepen the breath and exercise the diaphragm. Try to make them blow up the balloons for a maximum effect until they brust!
Regular back massage will also help release muscle tensions and improve circulation.
Another most important point is to make it sure your kid breathes only through the nose. Nose is a wonderful germ-filter, so use it to breathe through as much as you can. Remind them to close their mouth as often as you can and breath from their nose. It's a habit that has to be changed.

Making an infusion

An infusion is made by pouring boiling water over an amount of herb to extract the herbal properties. It is suitable for leaves and flowers whose parts are easily extracted.

Standard Quantities: 25g (1 oz) dried herb or 50g (2 oz) fresh herb to 500 ml boiling water.
Standard Doses: 1 teacup, approximately 150 ml, 3 times a day.

Infusions should be stored in tightly-stoppered vessels and will last for about 3 days in the fridge.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Epsom salts and baking soda baths

Epsom salts contain a generous amount of magnesium, a calming mineral that can be absorbed through the skin, and hot water produces a gentle sweat that lets toxins out. Releasing toxins through the skin can give kidneys a break. Adding baking soda helps prevent dry skin.

Can we cure aging?

Controlling inflammation could be the key to a healthy old age. It is actually something our own bodies create, a side effect of the essential inflammatory system that protects us against infectious diseases. As we fight off invaders, we inflict massive collateral damage on ourselves, poisoning our own organs and breaking down our own tissues. We are our worst enemy.
If we start to think about aging as a consequence of inflammation, we can start to see old age in a different, much more hopeful light. And if many chronic diseases share this underlying cause, they might all be remedied in a similar way.
And unlike science fiction visions of a immortality pill, a successful anti-inflammatory treatment could actually happen within our lifetime!!

How to get eggshell out of yolk?

If you've ever scrambled an egg, you know that removing stray egg shell from the mixture is hard to do. You're trying to pluck tiny objects from a uniquely slimy mass of egg-while proteins. The liquid is viscous and gluey, thanks to the protens. When you go after the shell with your fingers, they just push the gluey stuff which carries the shell piece away.
Here's a trick. Use a piece of shell to scoop it out. The shell's sharpness comes from calcium carbonate. The sharp edge cuts right through the protein glue.

Chop Onions tear-free

Refrigerate an onion for 30 mins or chilling it in ice water slows down the action of its trigger enzyme and saps some energy from the vegetable's volatile molecules. It reduces the tendency for the sulfur compound to volatilize - so you'll look less distraught as your prepare your meals.

Side Effects accompaning any Detox Process

Experts say that certain side effects are likely to accompany any detox process, both because the flood of toxins being released into the bloodstream can produce nausea, headaches and low energy, and because ceasing the intake of substances like coffee and sugar can lead to physical withdrawal.
Symptoms ranging from fatigue, headaches and irritability to potent breath, body odor and skin eruptions are all signs that the detox process is working.
These will usually disappear after the first few days of cleansing, as the release of toxins reaches it's apex and the body's toxic burden starts to dissipate.

Tart Cheery Juice

Drink a glass or two of tart cherry juice the day before and the day after a big workout. Tart cherries juice minimizes inflammation and significantly speeds up muscle recovery. It is very high in antioxidants and natural anti-inflammatories, and for those reasons it seems to work.

Doubt your abilities?

Sitting up straight can enhance your breathing, increase your energy level and keep your body aligned. Good posture also boosts your confidence and more likely to believe positive statements about yourself.
Next time if you doubt your abilities, remind yourself to keep your head high, feet flat on the floor, and shoulders back and relaxed - your attitude is likely to adjust as well.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Sweat as mini-facial

Working up a good sweat is the equivalent of getting a mini-facial. When the pores dilate, sweat expels trapped dirt and oil. Just be sure to wash your face afterwards so the gunk doesn't get sucked back into the pores.
Breaking into a sweat is not the only one way exercise benefits the skin - it also reduces bodywise inflammation, helps regulate skin-significant hormones and prevent free radical damage.

Sprouts shelf life

Rinsing sprouts with cold water daily extends their shelf life. Dry on a paper towel before returning to the refrigrator.

Clear your system of Heavy Metals

Studies have shown that the herb cilantro helps remove mercury and have general anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. So, garnish your meals more often with cilantro.

A daily dose of garlic is an easy way to remove heavy metals from the body. Heavy metals are attracted to the chemical compounds in garlic that is sulfur. A daily ritual of a clove or two of sautted garlic works well to keep your system clear of heavy metals.

Breathe Deep

Deep breathing activates the para-sympathetic nervous system and helps us calm down, reducing a buildp of adrenal stress hormone, as well as releasing a significant load of toxins throuhg exhalation. If we are stressed, we tend to breathe more shallowly, and this prevents the usual release of toxins through the breath.

Maintain a Daily Schedule

Maintaining good eating habits and time condition are very important for our bodies to absorb and get rid of unnecessary chemicals according to "schedule."

Because ....

Evening at 9 - 11pm: is the time for eliminating unnecessary/ toxic chemicals (detoxification) from the antibody system (lymph nodes). This time duration should be spent by relaxing or listening to music. If during this time a housewife is still in an unrelaxed state such as washing the dishes or monitoring children doing their homework, this will have a negative impact on health.

Evening at 11pm - 1am: is the detoxification process in the liver, and ideally should be done in a deep sleep state.

Early morning 1 - 3am: detoxification process in the gall, also ideally done in a deep sleep state.

Early morning 3 - 5am: detoxification in the lungs. Therefore there will sometimes be a severe cough for cough sufferers during this time. Since the detoxification process had reached the respiratory tract, there is no need to take cough medicine so as not to interfere with toxin removal process.

Morning 5 - 7am: detoxification in the colon, you should empty your bowel.

Morning 7 - 9am: absorption of nutrients in the small intestine, you should be having breakfast at this time. Breakfast should be earlier, before 6:30am, for those who are sick. Breakfast before 7:30am is very beneficial to those wanting to stay fit. Those who always skip breakfast, they should change their habits, and it is still better to eat breakfast late until 9 - 10am rather than no breakfast at all.

Sleeping late and waking up late will disrupt the process of removing unnecessary chemicals.
Apart from this, midnight to 4:00 am is the time when the bone marrow produces blood. Therefore, have a good sleep and "Don't Sleep Late"..

Main Causes of Liver Damage

1. Sleeping too late and waking up too late are main cause.

2. Not urinating in the morning.

3. Too much eating.

4. Skipping breakfast.

5. Consuming too much medication.

6. Consuming too much preservatives, additives, food coloring, and artificial sweetener.

7. Consuming unhealthy cooking oil. As much as possible reduce cooking oil use when frying, which includes even the best cooking oils like olive oil. Do not consume fried foods when you are tired, except if the body is very fit.

8. Consuming raw (overly done) foods also add to the burden of liver.

9. Veggies should be eaten raw or cooked 3-5 parts. Fried veggies should be finished in one sitting, do not store.

Let's just adopt a good daily lifestyle and eating habits.

Brain Damaging Habits

1. No Breakfast
People who do not take breakfast are going to have a lower blood sugar level. This leads to an insufficient supply of nutrients to the brain causing brain degeneration.

2. Overeating
It causes hardening of the brain arteries, leading to a decrease in mental power.

3. Smoking
It causes multiple brain shrinkage and may lead to Alzheimer disease.

4. High Sugar Consumption
Too much sugar will interrupt the absorption of proteins and nutrients causing malnutrition and may interfere with brain development.

5. Air Pollution
The brain is the largest oxygen consumer in our body. Inhaling polluted air decreases the supply of oxygen to the brain, bringing about a decrease in brain efficiency.

6. Sleep Deprivation
Sleep allows our brain to rest. Long term deprivation from sleep will accelerate the death of brain cells.

7. Head covered while sleeping
Sleeping with the head covered, increases the concentration of carbon dioxide and decrease concentration of oxygen that may lead to brain damaging effects.

8. Working your brain during illness
Working hard or studying with sickness may lead to a decrease in effectiveness of the brain as well as damage the brain.

9. Lacking in stimulating thoughts
Thinking is the best way to train our brain, lacking in brain stimulation thoughts may cause brain shrinkage.

10. Talking Rarely
Intellectual conversations will promote the efficiency of the brain

Change your habits today!!

Breathing Therapy - Give it a Try!

Very interesting theory. Give it a try, there is no harm!

The nose has a left and a right side; we use both to inhale and exhale. Actually they are different; you would be able to feel the difference.

  • During a headache, try to close your right nose and use your left nose to breathe. In about 5 mins, your headache will go?

  • If you feel tired, just reverse, close your left nose and breathe through your right nose. After a while, you will feel your mind is refreshed.
Right side belongs to 'hot', so it gets heated up easily, left side belongs to 'cold'.
Most females breathe with their left noses, so they get "cooled off" faster. Most of the guys breathe with their right noses, they get worked up.

Do you notice the moment we wake up, which side breathes faster? Left or right? ?
If left is faster, you will feel tired. So, close your left nose and use your right nose for breathing, you will get refreshed quickly.

This alternative natural therapy without medication is something that anyone can experience without any harm.
So, why not give it a try?

Monday, March 22, 2010

Remaining Calm No Matter What is Going on Around You!

Today while coming back from post office, a police officer pulled me over. Being the 1st time a police officer pulled over, my heart started racing and mind working to where did I do wrong? Well, it was my inspection sticker which was expired!! He as usual asked for my license and the insurance card. Now, I was expecting a ticket, but instead of getting panicked, I remained calm. Apologized for not noticing the expiration date and promised to fix the problem the same day. He was convinced and instead gave a warning. Phew!!
But I did thank him for noticing my expired ticket, as now I will never fail to make sure that "All Is Well" with my vehicle.
Well, it's always important to remain cool and not get agitated over a situation or loose your control.

Came across this cartoon and could not stop laughing, thought of sharing with you all - it's really funny!!

Make Relaxation a priority!

With so many things to do, relaxation techniques may have taken a back seat in our lives. But that means you might miss out on the health benefits of relaxation.

So, this spring break we made it a point to get out the challenges and hassles of daily life. We spent 2 days at Moody Gardens and Galveston Beach.

One of Houston Area's famous attraction, this tropical destination, Moody Gardens is ideal for families and groups alike. It's a fun island in Galveston.

Also, walking on the Galveston Beach was so refreshing, the clean air, the breeze, and the rhythm of the crashing waves – all together was enough to beat the stress hormone that would suppress the immune response. It just made me feel great, improved my energy levels, my sleep.

Relaxation is perhaps the single most important key to health and well-being. It is the antidote to stress. After all stress is the cause of all the diseases.

I encourage you to make relaxation a priority!

Calcium Loss

Did you know that the foods that produce the most calcium loss through urinary excretion is Animal Protein and Coffee!
Amount of calcium lost in the urine after eating a hamburger is about 28 mg.
Amount of calcium lost in the urine after drinking a cup of coffee is about 2 mg.
Average calicum absorption rates of green leafy vegetables is 56% compared to cow's milk 32%.
Eat a green salad everyday!

What does diet overload means?

Diet overload means our bodies don't work very efficiently, and organs and glands have to work overtime. Some diseases that we can get when we overload:-

Diabetes and hypoglycemia is overload from carbohydrates.

Hardening of the arteries is overload from fat.

Degenerative problems and premature aging is overload from proteins.

Poor digestion is overload of chemical foods, alcohols, drugs and sugar.

Obesity is overload from all the above.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Papaya may cure cancer

The papaya is gaining recognition for its anticancer powers, with a University of Florida researcher claiming that the power fruit thwarted growth of cancer cells in lab tests. University of Florida researcher Nam Dang, MD, PhD, and colleagues in Japan have documented papaya's dramatic anticancer effect against a broad range of lab-grown tumors, including cancers of the cervix, breast, liver, lung and pancreas.

The papaya extract did not have any toxic effects on normal cells, avoiding a common and devastating consequence of many cancer therapy regimens.

It is simply not called fruit of angles. So, go ahead and eat plenty of those papayas!!

Turmeric for Boils & Cuts

For boils or cuts, take turmeric powder and mix with a little bit of water to make a paste, then apply on the affected area and cover with gauze. Within 2 days, it will dry and disappear.

Kiwi for Heart Health

Kiwi is low in sodium and calories and high in potassium. Ripe kiwi contains the proteolytic enzyme actinidin, which aids digestion. Ounce for ounce, kiwifruit contains more vitamin C than an orange. It’s also a good source for two of the most important fat-soluble antioxidants: vitamin E and vitamin A. This combination of both water- and fat-soluble antioxidants has been shown to improve cardiovascular health.

In fact, a 2004 University of Oslo study shows that daily consumption of two or three kiwifruit has similar effects as the daily dosage of aspirin some physicians recommend to improve heart health.

To strengthen Digestion

I found the below very helpful when it comes to digestion.

Tarikatu – the famous ayurvedic combination of black pepper, long pepper and ginger root. Take as said on the bottle or you can combine all the three in equal quantities and have a tsp mixed with honey before meals.

Combine black pepper with ginger powder. Mix it with honey until a paste is formed. Take ½ tsp before meals.

If acidity is too high, start with anti-inflammatory digestive aid like papaya or bromelain instead of peppers.

Nasal Spray

This receipe was given to me by my allergist. Very helpful if used at the 1st sign of cold/allergy.

Add ½ tsp salt, pinch of baking soda to 1 cup of lukewarm water. Spritz solution into your nose a few times, using a child size bulb syringe. Then blow your nose.

Yeast Infection is linked to weak immunity

Yeast infections are basically due to weak immunity. Here's what happens:

o Too many sweets and heavy carbohydrates decrease the digestive fire.
o Weak digestion allows impurities to accumulate.
o The digestive impurities aggravate lubrication in a toxic reaction. Next, enzymatic changes and circulation are disturbed. This weakens the immune system.
o Weak immunity allows the yeast infection to take hold.
o Symptoms begin to appear — fatigue, dullness, colds.
If immunity is strong, infections aren't a problem. The body is like a farm. A virus is like a seed. The seed won't grow unless the farm land is fertile and feeds it.
The approach should be to strengthen your immunity. Digesitve impurities serve as food or fertilizer for the yeast virus. Reduce the impurities and the virus will starve.

Lemon Juice to cure Yeast Infection

Yeast infection can occur at any time, but mostly always arises when a person is under stress or has reduced immune response due to a similar illness such as cold or cough. It is strongly tied to a body of out of balance.
All Candida sufferers have exhausted adrenals. That’s why they feel so tired. Get plenty of rest. Too much stress and too little rest are Candida relapse triggers.

This is quick one to start with if you suffer from Candida infection.
Have a glass of lemon juice with pinch of black salt and ground pepper. No sugar please. It really works, but continue this drink for couple of weeks. It will detoxifies your liver and rebuilds and also promote elimination. You will be amazed with the total benefits your body receives.

Well, along with it, also change your diet -
Cut down on sugar.
Have more of steamed vegs, onions, garlic, ginger, cabbage, broccoli, sea greens, olive oil, eggs, brown rice, amaranth, buckwheat, barley, millet, miso soup, tofu, veg pasta, rice cakes, some citrus fruits, herb teas.
Drink 8-10 glasses of water everyday.
Probiotics – very important part of recovery. Helps restore the good bacteria in the gut to fight Candida.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

One Caution about Lentils

Lentils are rich in B vitamins, iron, zinc, manganese, phosphorus and magnesium. They’re also full of isoflavones, some of the best-understood phytonutrients. Phytonutrients protect the body and fight disease, help your heart, boost immunity, and function as an antioxidant.
When paired with whole grains like rice or barley, lentils form a complete protein. They are also rich in soluble and insoluble fiber, which help moderate blood-sugar levels and assist with good digestion.
One caution: Because lentils contain purines, naturally occurring compounds that can be broken down into uric acid, those suffering from gout or kidney problems should avoid them.

Nectrains Pits

Nectarines pits contain a compound that is converted to cyanide in the stomach. Accidently swallowing an occasional pit is not harmful, consuming several of them at a time can cause cyanide poisoning.


Try these steps to stop nosebleed.

1. Keep ice wrapped in cloth on the forehead.
2. Keep forehead backwards. Put 2 drops of ghee in nostrils and wait for ½-1 minute.

The nosebleed should stop.


Did you know?

Keep oils tightly closed and refrigerated. Break a capsule of Vitamin E into each bottle when you 1st open it. Because oil get oxidized when we leave opened for a while and toxic substance form on the oil that may have irritation effect on the intestinal lining.

Lemon Juice Wonders

Squeeze a lemon and add water in a glass. Now add a pinch of black salt (found in most indian stores - can use sea salt instead) and ground black pepper. Drink this regularly and you will be amazed with the results! It can control both constipation and diarrhea.

Lemon juice is also a liver stimulant and can control irritable bowel syndrome. It also helps in subsiding gas pains.

It also has an alkaline-forming effect on your body fluids. Lemons and the juice also acts as an antioxidants.

With the amount of magnesium it can help you treat other ailments such as asthma, colds, scurvy, fever and heartburn.

Believe it or not - lemons and in turn lemon juice also contain calcium, which is great for your bones and teeth.

Flaxseeds as Omega 3

If you do not eat fish or eggs, flaxseeds are the most common source of omega 3 for vegetarians. I usually grind the flaxseeds or you can these days get grounded flaxseeds from health stores like whole foods. Usually I put 2 - 4 tbsps of ground flaxseed in the dough I make to make the bread for meals. This way, the kids do not make a fuss as they cannot make out any difference.
You can store up to 90 days the ground flaxseeds in the refrigrator, make sure it is stored in airtight container.

Mango Pie

This is one quick and the most delicious dessert receipe I have tried.

Mango pulp 3 cup
Sour cream 8 oz
Cream cheese 8 oz
Gelatin(unflavored) 3 pouches
Sugar 1 cup
Pie ready crust of graham crackers 3 nos.
Water 3 cups
Pistachio ground

Mix very well mango pulp, sour cream, and cream cheese in a bowl – no lumps should remain.

Keep the pie crust ready.

Put 2 cups of water on gas to boil. Add 1 cup of sugar to it.
Take 1 cup of cold water in another bowl and put 3 pouches of gelatin (unflavored) and mix it well.
When the water on the gas starts boiling, pour this gelatin mix, wait for 30 seconds while stirring and then off the gas.
Wait for 6 ½ to 7 minutes to let the water cool down.
Mix the pulp to this water very well.
Pour this mixture into the pie crust immediately.
Garnish with ground pistachio on top of it.
Cover and refrigerate for at least 8 hours to set.

Get rid of Dandruff

Dandruff is one problem which is seen often but can be easily taken care of with the below home remedies.

If you have dry dandruff, try Vinegar Rinse. This also gives a shine to your hair.
Take a mug of water, mix two tablespoons of malt vinegar. After shampoo, rinse the hair with the vinegar water. Towel-dry your hair. This is an excellent remedy.

If you have oily dandruff, sticking to your scalp, try Massaging Oil.
For best results, massage your scalp with 1 teaspoon hot castor oil, 1 teaspoon coconut oil and 1 teaspoon sesame oil. Leave it on for about half-an-hour and then shampoo it out. Follow this routine, twice a week, especially in winter.
Hope this helps!

Healthy House Plants

There are few more indoor plants that are considered to be healthy that reduces air pollution and toxins, including fungal toxins.

Devil’s ivy
Boston Fern
Lush and leafy dwarf date palm

Eyes and the Sparkle

Place 1oz of fennel seeds in a pan. Cover with a pint of water and simmer for 20 mins over a low flame. Strain and cool and pour into bottles. In an eye bath, this infusion will take away inflammation and give the eyes a sparkle.
I have tried this and no doubt there is a spark in the eyes and they look bright and refreshed just instantly!

Blood Types & Personality Traits

According to a Japanese institute that does research on blood types, there are certain personality traits that seem to match up with certain blood types. How do you rate?

TYPE OYou want to be a leader, and when you see something you want, you keep striving until you achieve your goal. You are a trend-setter, loyal, passionate, and self-confident. Your weaknesses include vanity and jealously and a tendency to be too competitive.

TYPE AYou like harmony, peace and organization. You work well with others, and are sensitive, patient and affectionate. Among your weaknesses are stubbornness and an inability to relax.

TYPE BYou're a rugged individualist, who's straight forward and likes to do things your own way.. Creative and flexible, you adapt easily to any situation. But your insistence on being independent can sometimes go too far and become a weakness.

TYPE ABCool and controlled, you're generally well liked and always put people at ease. You're a natural entertainer who's tactful and fair. But you're standoffish, blunt, and have difficulty making decisions.

Indoor plants cut formaldehyde

In a study it is found that these two particular indoor plants reduces formaldehyde (Formaldehyde is a colorless, strong-smelling gas) levels in the air the most.

Formaldehyde is a sensitizing agent that can cause an immune system response upon exposure. It is also a suspected human carcinogen that is linked to nasal cancer and lung cancer.

The sources of the toxic gas formaldehyde are building materials including carpeting, curtains, plywood, and adhesives. This toxic gas deteriorates the air quality, which can lead to 'multiple chemical sensitivity' and 'sick building syndrome', medical conditions with symptoms such as allergies, asthma, and headaches.

If you suffer from any of these illness and even if you do not, it is a good idea to consider having some indoor plants in the house.

I suggest have specifically these two types of houseplants -

Weeping Fig (Ficus benjamina) and Fatsia japonica, an evergreen shrub if possible.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Honey for Hair Shine

Massage 5 tbsps of honey into your hair. Wash after 20 mins.


Wash with a cupful of cider vinegar in a liter of warm water. Wrap a towel around the head and leave for an hour before rinsing.
I usually end up with the 1st option as it is easy. Make sure you have your hair bath before you do this. I usually have my hair bath the previous day and take honey and just apply on my hair and leave it for 20 to 30 mins. Then just wash it off and no applying any shampoo on it. Make sure you wash it off nicely. It gives the hair a lot of shine.

Pear Reduces Fever

A glass of pear juice reduces fever quickly. The cooling effect in pear also helps prevent throat problems. It is high in Vitamin C and copper.

Ulcers in mouth

I have been using this remedy from long time on every member of my household.

Whenever there is an ulcer in the mouth, take an earbud and dip in glycerin and put it directly on the ulcer. Leave it for few seconds and can spit out. But do not rinse your mouth and it should not be swallowed. Doing this especially at night before bedtime, really helps. Next day, either the ulcer is gone or it has reduced. Repeat 2-3 times a day till it goes away.

You can find glycerine at any pharmacy store.


Drink cup of chamomile tea 3-4 times a day until you feel better.

Even for kids it works, I give chamomile tea to them when they have stomachache that doesn't go away.

Another receipe that also usually works.
Lassi (a yogurt drink) is also used to ward off gas and bloating.
1 cup room temperature water
¼ cup yogurt
1 pinch dry ground ginger
1 pinch ground cumin seeds
1 pinch salt
Blend for a minute and drink it after meals. It is also a very refreshing drink especially during summer time.

Bee Sting

Remove the sting.

Make a paste of the meat tenderizer unseasoned spice (available in any grocery store) with few drops of water and apply it on the area of the bee sting. It will take away the pain and swelling. Works amazingly.

EarAche Cure Without Antibiotics

This I tried on my son who is 9 yrs. When his ear starting aching due to cold, the doc said his ear is red and he needs an antibiotic. Well, I did get the antibiotic, but did not have to give him.

I took a garlic and grated it very fine. Take 1 tblsp of sesame oil (mustard is prefered), and put the grated garlic and let it cook in the oil very well, till all the juice of garlic dissolves in it. Do this on slow heat. Let it stand till it cools down, just lukewarm good enough to touch. Using an earbud, just take the oil and put two drops in each ear. It is a good idea to first strain it.
The garlic might give a burning feeling, but that's just for couple of mins. To start with, just use a drop instead.
I always knew but never tried it before. But, it worked wonderfully.


SearcI found that pineapple juice is very good for colds. An enzyme called bromelain helps to break down and dissolve excessive mucus. I always mix pineapple juice with carrot juice to help with the colds. I observed that it would reduce the duration of colds.

I also found that if a drop sesame oil is put in both nostrils quite often, helps a lot with colds. Can use an ear bud to do so. It also keeps the nostrils moist and easy on the skin around, and makes it easier to breathe.

Rubbing vicks vapor on the feet, chest and back before bed time gives a lot of relief from cold and makes it easier to breathe. Can put some heat pads on the chest/back to let it go in and open up the congestion.

Drinking hot water as often as possible also helps with draining the mucous.

A combination of all the above whatever possible gives a child and even a grown up quite relief and reduces the duration of colds.


Pineapple is a tropical fruit.
Pineapples provide an ample supply of vitamin C too and high in anti-oxidants.
Pineapple contains a mixture of enzymes called bromelain. Bromelain breaks down proteins in flesh.
Pineapple is low in fat and cholesterol and is also a good source of calcium, potassium, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, copper and dietary fiber.
Pineapple is an excellent source of mineral manganese.

Miracle Juice - "Carrots"

Carrot juice is considered a "Miracle Juice".

Let me give a list of benefits that I have come across.

1. Carrot juice improves the overall immunity of our body.

2. Did you know massaging your scalp with carrot juice once a week cures dandruff.

3. For powerful eyes: Eat 3 carrots or drink carrot juice of 3 carrots everyday. Add a little ginger juice 1-2 tsp with carrot juice. It also prevents cataracts.

4. Drink carrot juice to control jaundice and diarrhea. It is also excellent for the treatment of infantile diarrhea and acute colitis.

5. Drinking carrot juice control any skin diseases.

6. Mixed with a little honey, carrot juice is highly effective in all sorts of fevers, general debility, nervous disorders, anemia, lassitude, low vitality, and rundown conditions.

7. Carrot juice applied on the burns help them heal faster.

8. Drumstick juice mixed with carrot juice help reduce blood pressure.

9. Turnip juice mixed with carrot juice taken daily reduces mucous, helps asthma, and bronchitis and relieves sore throats.

10. Carrot juice mixed with little ginger and apple boosts and cleanse our system.

11. Carrot juice also clears body heat, counteracts toxicity, and fights oxidization.

12. Carrots in general has an alkaline-forming effect on your body fluids.

13. Carrot juice also reduces the risk and severity of inflammatory conditions such as asthma and rheumatoid arthritis.

14. It has cancer fighting agents as it contains anti-carcinogen properties.

15. It enhances the fight towards bacterial infections.

16. Carrot is good for blood sugar regulation because of the presence of carotenoids in carrot. Carotenoids inversely affect insulin resistance and thus lower blood sugar.

17. Drinking Carrot juice is claimed to be valuable for the adrenal glands (the small endocrine glands situated above the kidneys).

18. Carrot juice with honey is a great medicine for anemia.

19. Carrots are blood purifiers.

20. Carrot juice is of high importance to girls as it helps in breast development. It ensures well toned breasts.

21. Carrots don’t have any harmful effects.

22. Carrots are good for fighting night blindness.

Carrots - Gold Mine of Nutrients

Carrot juice is said to be a gold mine of nutrients.

Carrot juice is very high in beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is a pigment substance found in plants that can often form into vitamin A.

(Did you know that if you eat a carrot raw, you only get access to about 1% of the available beta carotene? But, when you or your child has a glass of carrot juice, you your system absorbs almost 100% or the beta carotene!)

Another vitamin contained in carrot juice is vitamin E. This vitamin appears in three forms, commonly known as the vitamin E complex.

Carrots also carry other vitamins such as B, C, D, and K, and minerals like calcium, phosphorous, potassium, sodium, and traces of protein.

Juicing a carrot removes the indigestible fiber. Thus, the nutrients in it are available to the body in much larger quantities than if the carrot was eaten whole. This is because many of the nutrients are trapped in the fibre, and while fibre aids digestion, some part of the fibre is indigestible. Thus, you don't get the benefits of the nutrients that are trapped in the indigestible fibre.

Eating just one small carrot every day may help protect you from cancer.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


KRUPS Juicer is what I got when I initially started juicing carrot juice. Krups juicer has been with me now for 9 yrs with no problems. It functions the same and very easy to clean.

If you are looking out for a juicer, this is one juicer I always recommend to my friends. According to my experience, it is simple, reliable, inexpensive, and easy to maintain.
If you are shopping for the best juicer, consumer search would tell you all -

Other Vitamin for Blood Function & Green Tea

Vitamin E
Essential for blood functioning. Eg. Wheatgream, vegetable oils and shortenings

Prevents blood disorders
Green leafy vegs, yeast and beans

Helps produce hemoglobin
Nuts, seeds, wholegrains and dried fruits

Green tea – high in Vit K, a nutrient needed for normal blood clotting. I have been a regular drinker of green tea past 9 yrs. Earlier I used to add a pinch of black tea to give the color, but now I completely dislike the taste of black tea. Green tea has a lot of health benefits apart from increasing your Vit K. This has been one change for good in my diet.

Vitamin K

Vitamin K and Blood Clotting: Vitamin K's primary function is to regulate normal blood clotting. It allows the body to produce proteins that clots the blood.

Vitamin K and Bone Health: Vitamin K supplements improve bone health and reduce risk of bone fractures. Bone proteins are dependent on vitamin K for their synthesis.

Vitamin K and Liver Diseases: Vitamin K is used to reduce risk of bleeding in liver disease, jaundice, malabsorption, or in association with long-term use of aspirin or antibiotics. Vitamin K has been used in the treatment of heavy menstrual bleeding, and with vitamin C to treat morning sickness.

Yogurt with active bacterial cultures and probiotics help create vitamin K in the intestines.

Herbs and food that contain Vit K are:-
Kale, Parsley, Spinach, Cabbage(green), Watercress, Broccoli, Soybean oil, Brussel sprouts, Grapeseed oil, Mustard greens

Increase Your Blood Platelets

Foods that may help increase platelet count in the blood :-
1. Drumstick leaves
2. Fenugreek leaves
3. Amaranth leaves
4. Bengal gram whole
5. Green gram whole
6. Egg yolk
7. Spirulina
8. Citrus fruits
9. Amala

Herbs that strengthen blood vessels are berries
1. Strawberries
2. Blueberries
3. Raspberries
4. Boysenberries

For blood function, the following nutrients are important:-
1. Vitamin K
2. Vitamin E
3. Folacin
4. Copper

Increase in bioflavonoids intake is also said to reduce internal bleeding.

Platelet Disorder Support Association - PDSA

Platelet Disorder Support Association is one very helpful organization. If you or any of your loved ones suffer from platelet disorder, get support from this association. Their newsletter has some wonderful tips and advices, information about new advances in the medical field, etc.
Take a look at
There website gives thorough understanding of this illness. I found it very useful while dealing with my ITP (Ideopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpur).

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Maharishi Ayurveda

Thanks to Maharishi Ayurveda Products. I do feel "Amrit Herbal Tablets" played a role in stabilizing my health. I took for 6 months and it helped me keep away from all other illness and strengthened my immunity.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The 1st Step towards Alternative Remedies..

On Jan 14th 2001, I had my well checkup. This was 2 months after my 2nd child was born. Exam went as scheduled and I did my blood work. Doc called in the next day, saying my platelets are low i.e around 88 and I need to see a hematologist (Heard about it 1st time). Well got an appt. after couple of weeks, but things changed after a week. The following Friday I saw 2 bruises on my arm and did not remember hurting myself anywhere. Well, my heart started racing and I called the doc. She told me to go to urgent care the very next day (Saturday) and do the blood work again and this time it had fallen to 49. I needed to see a specialist the 1st working day. She fixed me an appt. with the doc the following Monday morning. Sunday went worrying about it and the most worry was my 2 month old baby. Scary thoughts started coming to my mind. Monday came, the doc checked me, and he ordered bone marrow biopsy and the blood test again. In the meantime, he gave me steroids to prevent the platelets from falling further. Took almost the whole day for all the procedure to complete. Next day, I sat with the steroid tablets with a glass of water, took an hour to have it, the concern that how will I breastfeed my child. Well, I took the tablet at around noon. Cannot forget the time, but at 1:40 pm, the doctor calls and told to stop taking anymore steroids, the platelets were now 131 (within the normal range). The doctors named it ITP (Ideopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpur). It all means that this blood disorder had no cure and they do not know why it happens.
So from Saturday morning blood work to Monday morning blood work, my platelets shot up from 49 to 131 (Miracle indeed!!). That’s when I took to internet to find a cure. I would bruise every month and it would disappear in couple of days, sometimes it would be couple of bruises and sometimes scary ones. Well, I did a lot of research and tried to find alternative cures. I tried various alternative methods. Cannot say what really helped, but I made it a routine to drink carrot juice. Then while researching found a pharmacist suggesting to take a piece of pineapple daily. So, I tried to add a slice of pineapple to the carrot juice.
Well, I had a rough roller coaster ride for a year before it stabilized. But, those 3 steroids tablets was all what I took. There was no medication to cure it. Now my son is 9 yrs old and I am doing well (touchwood!). I do avoid ginger, garlic (blood thinning), aspirin and any medication containing Ibuprofen.
From that day onwards, I started making my notes to take care of cold to fever to whatever any illness that would come up with the alternative methods. Sometimes, it would work and sometimes it would fail.
I also found that these home remedies if worked for someone, not necessarily mean would work for the other. It's all a trial and error method.
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