Monday, May 31, 2010

Employ Glycolic Acid

Pat your face dry completely, then apply gel, cream, or lotion containing 8% glycolic acid over you entire face. They prevent the clogged pores characteristic of acne by preventing older cells from piling up on the skin and blocking pores. It also leaves the skin soft and smooth and may decrease discolorations and fine wrinkles.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Too Much Of A Good Thing?

Soybean is know to contain a weak plant estrogen that may help to prevent breast cancer. They contain omega-3 fatty acids, which prevent heart attacks, the fiber helps to prevent diabetes. 
But soybeans also contain  trypsin inhibitors that can block protein consumption and hemagglutinin, which causes clots to form. So, large amounts of soybeans could make clots that can damage your heart or lungs. It can also make pancreas work too hard to overcome the blocked protein effect. 
Soybean also contain goitrogens, which block thyroid function. Large doses can slow your thyroid.
Soybean also contain phytates, which could block the absorptions of minerals.

The rule is do not eat five, ten, or twenty servings a day of any single food, no matter what promoters or advertisers say.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Strengthen Your Defense System

The adrenal glands are known for producing adrenaline, the hormone that is produced when body is in stress. But since they also produce hormones that keep your immune system revved up, weak adrenal glands can make you more vulnerable to allergies. When the adrenal glands are working well, allergies get better.
One way to strengthen adrenal glands is to take adrenal glandular, a product made from an extract of adrenal glands. 
Adrenal glandulars build immunity and help defend the body against allergies. Recommended dose is 180 to 200 mg tablets 2 or 3 times a day.

Pantothenic aid a B vitamin, also helps boost adrenal function. 200 to 500 mg a day is recommended.

Lighten Age Spots

A mixture of honey and yogurt creates a natural bleach that can help lighten age spots. Take 1 tsp of plain yogurt, add 1 tsp of honey and mix thoroughly. Apply the mixture and let it dry, then wash it off after 30 minutes. Do this once a day and feel the difference.

Yogurt Fights Cancer

Yogurt has several anticancer properties. 
One strain of L. acidophilus, has shown to inhibit the growth of certain cancer cells. Studies have found a reduced incidence of breast cancer among people who eat large quantities of yogurt and other fremented milk.
It can prevent carcinogenic substances, including bile salts, in the intestines from actually becoming carcinogenic, and can keep harmful substances from being absorbed by the body.
Yogurt can reduce the level of unhealthy enzymes in the stool. In one study cancer promoting stool bacteria were three times less active in patients fed milk containing L. acidophilus every day for 4 weeks.

Reduce Blood Cholesterol

Milk cultured with friendly bacteria significantly reduces the blood cholesterol levels. It has been noted that people who drink about two quarts of fermented milk a day, have low levels of cholesterol in their bloodstream.

Wash With Benzoyl Peroxide Liquid

To reduce the numbers of bacteria that can cause acne, gently wash your face with a benzoyl peroxide cleanser or a mild salicylic acid liquid every morning. If you also break out on your back and chest, use the liquid to wash these areas as well.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sorbitol In Foods

If you have seen sorbitol as an ingredient in candies, gum, or other sugarless foods, don't be alarmed. It is the same substance that forms on cells and causes cell damage in diabetics. But if you eat it, it won't hurt you. Sorbitol is a sugar alcohol that cannot be absorbed by your intestines, it just passes through your body undigested and never enters your bloodstream.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Moldy Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes spoil quickly, and any that have moldy spots or are shriveled should be thrown away. Cutting away the bad spots does not always help, because an unpleasant smell may have already spread to the rest of the potato.

To prevent from spoiling, store sweet potatoes in a cool place but not in the refrigerator. Temperature below 50 F will give them a hard core and an off taste.

Sweet potatoes are excellent source of beta carotene, potassium, vitamin C & B6, folate and some iron.

Green Tip

Avoid using peppermint, balm mint, wintergreen, or any other "minty" ingredients that smell and feel refreshing but can burn and sting. These extracts are better for deodorizing your feet than combating pimples!

Not Always "Go Bananas"

As you know that bananas provide potassium and other nutrients, but bananas do not work to clear up allergies. In fact, bananas promote the production of a type of prostaglandin that's responsible for inflammation and smooth muscle contradictions. Stay away from bananas when you experience an allergy attack. 

Bananas are also known to trigger migraine headaches in some children.

Try Fluoride Toothpaste

We all know that the fluoride in toothpaste helps get rid of bacteria that causes tooth decay. Imagine if fluoride can help get rid of bacteria that causes skin decay!! Why not try it?
First, wash your face with mild soap, rinse well and pat dry. Then apply a dab of fluoride toothpaste on the blemishes, allow to dry, and keep on overnight. Rinse gently in the morning.
This can be used for children too.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Turn to Gems

One mother, in an effort to help her daughter's allergies, has turned to gems. Orange carnelian, a semiprecious stone, when worn around the neck, shortens the length of an attack. This works only with seasonal allergies involving head and chest, those with sneezing and wheezing. Orange stone does nothing to help food allergies.
Therapeutic properties of carnelian: It is known for its energy flow, great for circulation and tissues, energy booster and has warm positive energy that flows from the stone, is healing and energizing to increase your vitality and give you long life.

Carnelian is the carrier of the orange ray. Useful for wheezing from allergies. Use natural carnelian (bright orange) if available. 

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Olive Oil Protects Bowel Disorders

A new study finds that increasing your intake of olive oil may help protect against ulcerative colitis. 
Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease that causes ulcers in the lining of the rectum and colon, resulting in abdominal pain, diarrhea and weight loss. This study found that people whose diet was rich in oleic acid were far less likely to develop ulcerative colitis. 
Oleic acid is a monosaturated fatty acid found in foods such as olive oil, peanut oil, grapeseed oil, butter and some margarines. 

Oleic acid seems to help prevent the development of ulcerative colitis by blocking chemicals in the bowel that aggravate the inflammation found in the illness.
Study finds that half of the cases of ulcerative colitis could be prevented if larger amounts of oleic acid were consumed. Two-to-three tablespoons of olive oil per day would have a protective effect.

Flatten Your Tummy

Best way to reduce abdominal fat permanently is to walk. Walking increases your metabolism and burn off abdominal and other body fat. If you can, walk at least 30 to 45 minutes three to five times a week.

In addition to walking, which increases your respiratory and heart rates, try sit-ups and abdominal crunches.

Working your abs will work only when combined with fat-burning aerobic exercise like walking. Otherwise, you will still have a layer of fat over your abs.

Try to eat five to nine servings of fresh fruits and vegetables; lots of whole grains, such as whole-wheat pasta, multi-grain bread and cooked grains like bulgur; and a couple of servings of low-fat or skim milk every day.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Dry Cough

Osha root is said to be great for coughs. It helps clear phlegm and works for dry cough. Children can drink it as a tea or take it as a tincture.

For dry cough, sweeten boiled potato peelings with honey. Give 1 teaspoon every four hours. This should not be give to children under age one.

Grinding Flaxseeds

If you are grinding your own flaxseed, first grind a handful of uncooked, dry white or brown rice through your coffee grinder to remove coffee odor. Use this trick for grinding spices too, and you will need only one grinder.

Enhance Echinacea Benefits

When you take echinacea in water; hold it in your mouth for a few moments before swallowing. Herbalists say this helps stimulate the herb's immune enhancing benefits. Good echinacea tincture will make your mouth tingle slightly.

Coat Your Nostrils

Protect yourself from excessively dry air in heated rooms and on airplanes by coating the inside of your nostrils with lip balm or sesame oil to keep your mucus membranes moist and less susceptible to airborne pathogens.

Revive Your Hair

Diluted apple cider vinegar is an excellent clarifying rinse to revive hair that is dull from product buildup. It adds shine to your hair and restores healthy pH levels to the scalp.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Horseradish for Dental Plaque

Scientists have found that compounds in horseradish root can kill a range of bacteria. The volatile oils in the root have been found to block the growth of the bacteria that cause dental plaque.

You eat the roots, and not the green leaves of the plant. Grow your own plant and it's very easy to do so. Or you should be able to buy a root from your local grocer, or a farmer's market.

Horseradish - "The Stingnose"!

Horseradish is a natural decongestant.  Hold a spoonful of grated horseradish (the root) away (4 inches atleast) from your nose, take a deep sniff (be careful) and then put a small pinch on your tongue. If you can try this, you will be breathing easier within seconds of the sniff.


Natural Food Decongestants: 
Garlic, Onion Chilies, and Horseradish

Herbs and Spices Decongestants:
Ginger, Thyme, Cumin Cloves and Cinnamon

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Caution: Are you Eating Rhubarb Leaves!!

For those who are unaware, the leaves contain poisonous oxalates that are absorbed into the bloodstream and cause damage. Crystal-oxalates can cause severe damage to kidneys. The rhubarb stalk are only eaten. 

Rhubarb May Cause Stones

Rhubarb has high amount of oxalic acid content, because of which large amounts should be avoided by anyone with a tendency to develop oxalate containing kidney stones or bladder stones.

Also, rhubarb should not be cooked in aluminum or cast iron pots, which will interact with the acid in the vegetable and darken both the pot and the rhubarb.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Baking Soda To Soften Skin

One favorite use of baking soda is to soften the skin. Pour  a small box into a warm bath and adding a little sea salt, you can give yourself a spa-like treatment for just a few cents. When you emerge from the water, your skin will feel soft and silky -- like you had a high-dollar treatment at an upscale resort.

Test For Randon

Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the U.S. today. If you smoke and your home has high radon levels, your risk of lung cancer is especially high and the leading cause of lung cancer among non-smokers.
You could have a radon problem even if you have a new home. This is a colorless, odorless radioactive gas which can significantly raise the risk of lung cancer. It comes from the natural occuring uranium found in nearly all soils and moves up through the ground and into your home through cracks and holes in the foundation. Any home can potentially have a radon problem.
Granite countertops have also been linked to radon. Any granite sample contains varying concentrations of uranium and other naturally occuring radioactive elements and experts agree that most granite countertops emit some radon, the question is whether they do so at levels that can cause cancer. 
Testing is easy, inexpensive, and takes only a few minutes. If you discover a radon problem, there are simple ways to reduce levels of the gas that are not too costly. Even high radon levels can be reduced to acceptable levels. 
So, get your home tested today!!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Are You Pear Shaped?

Try activities that will tone and trim your legs, thighs, and buttocks and build up your shoulders. Swimming, walking, bicycling on flat surfaces, light weight workouts and low intensity aerobics are some exercises that helps.
Avoid stair climbing, step classes, bicycling up hills as this builds muscles in the butt and thighs.

Flush Your Liver With Citrus Juices

Squeeze fresh citrus juice (orange and grapefruit are good) to make a cup of liquid. Always mix in some lemon or lime. The more sour juice, the more cleansing and activating. This mixture can be gulped down to taste with spring or distilled water. Do not add sugar as that overloads the liver.

Drink the juice in the morning and preferably after some stretching and breathing exercises, and do not eat any other food for one hour.

Also, just drinking lemon-water keeps the liver moisturized and free flowing.

Liver flushes are beneficial to the body, it eliminates waste, increase bile flow and improve overall liver functioning. They also help purify the blood and the lym

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Puffy Eyes?

Pour ice cold milk onto two cotton pads and place them on your eyes for 10 minutes. In no time, the swelling will go down.

Tea bags do wonders too! After you make your morning tea, squeeze out the liquid, refrigerate them for 10 to 15 minutes and place them on your closed eyes for 10 minutes.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Storing Potatoes

  • Store potatoes in a dark, cool place but not in the refrigerator. Temperatures below 45 degree F convert the starch to sugar, giving the potato a strange taste. 
  • Any light gaining access to potatoes will cause them to go green; they will taste bitter and causes poisonous alkaloids such as solanine and chaconine to form, toxic substances that can cause diarrhea, cramps, and fatigue. This point is vital.
  • Also, do not store potatoes and onions together. The acids in onions aid the decomposition of potatoes and vice versa.
When stored properly, they can last for 3-6 months. 

Don't Eat Too Much Pickled Foods

A diet high in pickled foods has been linked to an increased risk of stomach and esophageal cancers. This is thought to stem from their high levels of nitrates which are converted to cancer causing nitrosamines during digestion. Salt has also been associated with an increased risk of stomach cancer and should be consumed in limited amounts.
Eat ample fresh vegetables and fruits to counteract any risk from pickled foods.

Papaya Seeds

The black seeds of papaya are usually scooped out. These seeds are normally thrown away. But they can be instead be dried and used like peppercorns.

Habits That Harm Bone Strength In Girls

  • A very high level of athletic training in adolescent girls rob their bodies of the fat they need to produce and store estrogen.
  • Highly trained teenage athletes and ballet dancers, who often have menstrual irregularities, may be at increased risk for developing early, severe osteoporosis.
  • Anorectic girls who starve themselves in order to get rid of the normal subcutaneous layer of fat are at high risk.

Foods That Hinder Calcium Absorption

Foods that hinder calcium absorption are:-

Foods with oxalic acid found in cocoa, chard, spinach, and rhubarb
Foods with phytic acid found in bran soybeans, and other legumes
A very high intake of dietary fiber

For healthy people eating a balance diet, normal quantities of any of these foods will not hinder calcium absorption enough to adversely affect their bones.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Cashew Shells

Cashew shells contain urushiol, the irritating oil that is in posion ivy. Heating inactivates urushiol, so toasted cashews are safe to eat.

Check Your Mushrooms

Many common species of wild mushrooms produce toxins that are quickly lethal whether eaten raw or cooked. Never eat or gather wild mushrooms unless a mushroom expert has identified them as safe. Even then, caution is needed. Some safe wild mushrooms, can be deadly when consumed with alcohol.

Mayonnaise Allergies

Anyone allergic to eggs should avoid mayonnaise. 
The vinegar may trigger an allergic reaction in people sensitive to molds.
Many types of mayonnaise have fillers made of gluten, which should be avoided by anyone with celiac disease.

Treat Pimple

Coriander herb is great for the skin. A tsp of coriander juice, mixed with pinch of turmeric powder is an effective remedy for pimples, blackheads and dry skin. Wash you face thoroughly, then apply this mixture on the face every night before going to bed. 

Monday, May 10, 2010

Lime Peels

Lime peels contain psoralens, a chemical that makes the skin sensitive to the sun. Therefore, care should be taken to minimize skin contact with lime peels. I recommend to cut away the peels before squeezing the fruit so that the citrus oil containing the psoralens doesn't get into the juice.

Down Side of Legumes

Soybeans contain substances that destroy beta carotene and vitamins B12 and D; beans and peas have anti-vitamin E compound. Heating and cooking inactivates most of these substances, but it is a good practice to balance legume consumption with ample fresh fruits and yellow or dark green vegetables, seeds, nuts, cooked greens, and poultry.

Peppermint for IBS

Peppermint is a time-honored remedy to calm the digestive tract. To alleviate IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), practitioners of natural medicine recommend taking 1 or 2 capsules of peppermint oil between meals.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Caution: Royal Jelly And Asthma

Worker bees produce a substance called royal jelly to nurture the larvae selected to become queens. There has been claims for royal jelly's health benefits, but so far, there is no evidence that it provides worthwhile nutrients for humans.
Several scientific journals have reported grave asthma attacks, including fatalities, in adults and children taking royal jelly supplements.
So, do not take royal jelly if you have allergies or asthma.

Caution: Herpes in Pregnant Women

A pregnant woman who has had herpes (a highly contagious infectious disease, is noted by painful and itchy blisters) should inform her obstetrician immediately. An active infection may be transmitted to the baby during delivery and cause numerous health problems like blindness, retardation, and even death. A cesarean delivery can prevent transmission.

Grape Allergies

Grapes are usually treated with sulfur dioxide to preserve their color and extend shelf life. They should always be washed before eating. People with asthma should avoid grapes or look for grapes that have not been treated with sulfur.
Grapes naturally contain salicylates, the major ingredient in aspirin, so people who are allergic to aspirin may react to grapes and products make from them.
Organic grapes doesn't mean they are not treated with sulfur dioxide, as grapes are still considered organic with sulfur applied to them.

Grapefruit Diet

Over the years, grapefruit has been promoted to possess a unique ability to burn away fat. It is famous now as Grapefruit Diet. People following grapefruit diets loose weight because they eat little less. Grapefruits are a good food to include in a sinsible weight-loss diet; a sering contains less than 100 calories, and the high fiber content satisfies hunger. If you are trying to loose weight, make grapefruit your first course to help prevent overeating.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Get Your Vitiligo Cured

Central Research Institute Unani Medicine
Medical Centre & Research
Phone: (040) 23815932 , (040) 23815931
Address: AG's Colony, Erragadda, Hyderabad, Andhra pradesh - 500018, India
Landmark: Near ESI Hospital
Six Unani formulae were clinically evaluated on patients of vitiligo at Central Research Institute of Unani Medicine, Hyderabad which is a major center of the Council and is famous for the treatment of vitiligo. The result obtained ranged from 6289%. So far more than 18,000 cases of vitiligo not only from different parts of country but also from foreign countries have been treated at the Institute.

I have a close friend who has been cured from vitiligo which had spread over most of his body. Just give this a try and if you follow the treatment seriously, it is known to have cured it completely.

Figs for Vitiligo

Cut a fig in half and rub on the white patches. Many people claim to have being cured. I think it's worth to try for few weeks to see the results.

Also, try to consume atleast one fig a day, dried or fresh. If using dried figs, try using unsulfured. Health benefits of figs can be attributed to the presence of minerals and vitamins in them.

Vitiligo and Your Liver

Vitiligo is a medical condition that causes the skin to lose color. Vitiligo can develop on any part of the body but commonly begins on hands, forearms, feet, or face.

Many people with Vitiligo have problems with their liver. Sometimes all you need to do is treat your sick liver and all the white patches may go away.

So, maybe no harm in making sure your liver is functioning correctly. Take your doc appointment today.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Tap Water and Sodium

Did you know your tap water may be a significant source of sodium in your diet? Water naturally contains some sodium, but plumbing that directs drinking water through water softeners add even more. How much additional sodium depends on your water supply's hardness. Your local health department can provide information about the soium content of your water supply.
If you find that your tap water is significantly boosting your sodium intake, you may want to buy demineralized water for cookng and drinking or investing in a water purification system.

Calculate Your Daily Calorie Requirements

Following formulas show the approximate number of calorie you need to maintain your weight:

If you are sedentary: Current weight (lbs) x 12

If you are moderately physically active: Current weight (lbs) x 14

If you are extremely active: Current weight (lbs) x 16 or 18

Your weight is determined by your energy balance. If you eat more calories than you burn, you gain weight. If you burn more calories than you eat, you lose weight. If you burn the same amount of calories you eat, your weight stays the same.

Butter Vs. Margarine

Most of the fat in butter is saturated. Most of the fat in margarine begins as polyunsaturated fat.

When margarine is hydrogenated, some of its polyunsaturated fatty acids are converted to saturated fats or trans fat. This process makes the fat more solid. Therefore, stick margarine is more saturated than tub margarine.

However, the amount of fatty spread you use is just as important as the type you choose.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

After Eating Dates

It is important to brush your teeth after eating dates. Both the dired and fresh fruits are very sticky, and because of their high sugar content, can lead to dental decay if bits are allowed to adhere to the teeth.

Sore Throat

Use black currant syrup to ease the inflammation of a sore throat.

Bacterial Diarrhea

Powder from dried black currant skins is used to treat diarrhea, especially that caused by Escherichia coli, a common cause of bacterial diarrhea.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Weight Gain?

Growth hormone levels can decrease as we age, leading to weight gain. The best ways to get it naturally is getting proper sleep and exercise.

Coconut Water

Coconut water is a fantastic source of ectrolytes and it boosts metabolism and have anti-viral and anti-fungal properties. Coconut water is nearly identical to our blood plasma.
Whenever you get a chance, add coconut water to your smoothies or just enjoy it plain.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Cheese and Cavities

Ending a meal with a small piece of cheddar or other aged cheese may help prevent cavities by neutralizing the mouth acids that promote dental decay.

Coffee and Osteoporosis

Caffeine reduces calcium absorption, which can increase the risk of osteoporosis, especially in older women. Heavy coffee drinkers should either consume more milk, low fat yogurt, and otherhigh calcium foods or consider taking calcium supplements or foods high in calcium.

Coffee and Ulcer Patients

Because caffeine, especially that in coffee, increases the production of stomach acid, ulcer patients are often advised to limit coffee, including decaffeinated coffee consumption to one cup after a meal. Many ulcer patients can tolerate tea, however.

Cabbage in Aluminum Pot

Don't cook cabbage in aluminum pot, which causes a chemical reaction that discolors the vegetable and alters its flavor.

Wash Your Hands

Always wash your hands before you remove makeup or nourish your skin. Otherwise, each time you dip your fingers you are mixing germs and dirt right into your skin creams and consequently transferring those germs directly to your skin's surface.

Skin Tonic

As we age, alcohol in skin tonic becomes too drying for skin. You can instead use rosewater, it smells delicious and is very gentle, so it suits even the driest complexions.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Rejuvenate your Joints

Take one teaspoon of Castor Oil every night with Warm Ginger Tea, and massage warm sesame oil on your larger joints at least once in 15 days. Take oil with your meals especially olive and sesame oil.

Strengthen Your Immunity

You might want to try this breakfast every day to strengthen your immunity. This breakfast will keep your energy high throughout the day. Dates and almonds provide strength and nutrients. Fennel and cardamom aid in digestion.

Dates 3
Almonds 4
Cardamom 2
Fennel seeds 1 tsp.
Ghee ½ tsp.

• Soak all of this, except the ghee, over night.
• Drain the water in the morning.
• Peel the cardamom and almonds.
• Add half a glass of water or milk and ghee.
• Blend all of this in to a mixture to prepare a drink.
• Drink it after your morning tea or coffee.
• You can also add 2 tablespoon of water/milk instead of a half glass and make a paste. Then use this paste like a spread for bread or eat by itself.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Allergy Sinus Solution

By effectively treating your upper airways, you can decrease the treatment for your lower airways.

Sinol Sinus 15 ml: This nasal spray contains capsaicin which desensitizes the mucous membranes in the nose which makes them less irritated by airborne particles, helping to relieve allergies and congestion fast.

Sinol-M Allergy and Sinus Relief Nasal Spray: This nasal spray is an "All Natural" clinically proven allergy & sinus relief nasal spray that relieves congestion in minutes. Relieves headaches associated with sinus and allergy problems fast. Studies from the world famous Institute for Allergies and Asthma show fast relief in patients suffering from allergy symptoms and congestion.
You might want to try these alternative solution to relieve your allergies.

Allergy to Food Protein

Allergy to food protein can cause an asthma attack. Study shows that people with asthma who react to dust mites and cockroaches also react to shrimp.

Low Magnesium And Asthma

Studies have shown that people with asthma have low levels of magnesium. So magnesium supplements has the potential to help open congested airways in asthmatic patients.

Recommended Daily Requirments of Magnesium

1-3 years old: 80 milligrams
4-8 years old: 130 milligrams
9-13 years old: 240 milligrams
14-18 years old (boys): 410 milligrams
14-18 years old (girls): 360 milligrams

Adult females: 310 milligrams
Pregnancy: 360-400 milligrams
Breastfeeding women: 320-360 milligrams
Adult males: 400 milligram

Food high in magnesium: spinach, soy milk, nuts, beans, broccoli, tofu, whole grain cereal, whole wheat bread, okra, and plantains.
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